Monday, August 15, 2011

The Home Restoration: Stage Two

The family at Noble Family Ranch has been busy!

It may look like they are putting in addition here in the back, but if you check out the bottom photo in LGA Studio's Stage One post on this project you'll see that there was a mud room here in the original house. It was just falling apart, so all of the framing was removed and is being completely replaced with a covered porch.

While waiting for the building permit the family did some property repair including lots of fence work! And to get ready for the extra bathroom, a septic system was installed.

Then after LGA Studio's plans were approved by the building department, the basement was dug out further to add in some much needed mechanical equipment, with new posts to reinforce the structure.

Much of the original basic framing was preserved, but new wood studs and beams were placed alongside to strengthen them. Or in the case of the ridge beam, underneath.

In the middle of all this construction hubbub, the family is even trying to register this house as a historical landmark. We're impressed!

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